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U.S. and China Trade Talks Postponed

They had plans to review progress of Phase I deal.

According to Chinese officials, senior American and Chinese negotiators will soon discuss progress on the first phase trade agreement signed in January.

“Both governments have agreed to hold the talks in the coming days,” Chinese Ministry of Commerce spokesman Ga Feng said. The discussions will be held by phone.

U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer had been slated to videoconference last week with his Chinese counterpart, but President Trump called the session off.

“I postponed talks with China,” the president said. “You know why? I don’t want to deal with them now.” He blames China for not stopping COVID-19.

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For U.S. government officials addressing the multiple challenging issues with China.
  • For discernment for President Trump as he decides how to proceed with the trade talks.
  • For Trade Rep Lighthizer as he works with the president on international trade negotiations.

Sources: National Review, Nikei Asian Review, Bloomberg


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